Latest Other Wins

$300 million Sexual Harassment Claims

Negotiated defense coverage under roughly 30 years of historical GL policies for prominent school facing over $300 million of sexual harassment claims.

$50+ Million Environmental Claim

Litigated and settled insurance claims for Waste Management, Inc. covering numerous bodily injury lawsuits alleging bodily injury caused by historical industrial operations.

$40 Million FCPA Bribe Allegation Claim

Negotiated and settled $40 million FCPA claim where U.S. Government alleged that an engineering company bribed middle eastern officials. Learn More

$30 Million Medical Malpractice Claim

Obtained summary judgment for hospital against primary and excess professional liability insurers requiring the insurers to pay for settlement with plaintiff patients who sought damages for alleged unnecessary heart operations. Following reversal by Court of Appeals, obtained favorable decision by Kentucky Supreme Court reversing the Court of Appeals and reinstating coverage at issue.

$20 million Trade Show Cancellation Recovery

Negotiated coverage for $20 million trade show cancellation.

$5 million Consumer Goods Company Settlement

Recovered roughly $1 million in defense costs and an additional $4 million to pay for the settlement of a products liability class action lawsuit

$4.5 Million Medical Association Event Cancellation Insurance Claim

Settled event cancellation insurance claim for industry trade association.

$3 Million Summary Judgment Victory

Secured favorable summary judgment ruling in California district court. The policy at issue was a “claims made” rather than a “claims made and reported” policy. Insurer required to prove substantial prejudice to deny coverage.

Bankruptcy Claim Against Service Provider to Law Firm

Obtained insurance coverage following extended mediation from service provider’s primary and excess D&O and E&O insurers for large portion of multi-million dollar settlement of claim against service provider by law firm’s bankruptcy trustee.

CFBP Investigation

Negotiated D&O coverage for a CFPB investigation alleging abusive telemarketing practices and two related consumer lawsuits.

Golf Course Hurricane Damage

Achieved eight-figure settlement after filing lawsuit to recover extensive property damage and business interruption losses caused to five coastal Carolina golf courses because of Hurricane Matthew.

Hospital State AG Claims

Secured defense under D&O policy for outside directors of non-profit hospital corporation against claims asserted by state attorney general arising from alleged real estate self-dealing.

TCPA Claims

Secured insurance coverage under a series of E&O policies for sixteen class action lawsuits alleging violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.

Text Messaging Antitrust Litigation

Negotiated defense cost coverage for telecommunications entity sued for alleged anticompetitive practices.

Unfair Competition and False Advertising Recovery

Recovered defense and indemnification costs incurred by tax preparation company for claims alleging unfair competition and false advertisement.

Wireless Telephone Brain Cancer Cases

Secured defense funding agreements from multiple GL and E&O insurers covering roughly 80 underling lawsuits alleging that the use of wireless telephones caused brain cancer.